Sunday, May 31, 2009

Aspiro has managed to grow and out- perform last year’s numbers

Although this economy has been difficult, Aspiro has managed to grow and out- perform last year’s numbers.

2009 YTD admissions are up by 16% over 2008. We feel blessed to be in the position we are, and appreciate your confidence in our work. As a team, we wish to thank all of our many supporters and friends. We look forward to working with your families through the summer, and beyond.

Aspiro operates year-round and application for admission may take place at any time.

Appropriate candidates are adolescent males and females, ages 13-17, and young adults, ages 18 to 30 years of age, with a history of moderate to soft behavioral and emotional challenges and problems

ADMISSIONS - Please Call - 1-888-266-5136